How to Install WordPress on Your Hosting in cPanel | Ep06

This tutorial video will show you how to install WordPress on Your Web Hosting in cPanel. We also cover exactly how to point your domain name at your web hosting, and install an SSL certificate before you install WordPress.

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WordPress is an easy to use web development platform for creating web sites and pages. It uses HTML5, CSS and JavaScript without the user needing to know how to code.

In a nutshell, WordPress makes it possible for anyone to easily develop any type of website they want. WordPress is the most widely used content management system in the world. It’s free, open source, and has massive support and development documentation.

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Starting a Website is Essential for any Online Business or Startup. Divi and Elementor are WordPress Themes and Page Builder Plugins that are the most popular among Web Designers and New Developers. You can create wp site in under an hour with the right host and plugins.

This Beginner WordPress Tutorial will show you have to make a Website from cPanel on Apache. It’s an easy Step-by-Step. Entrepreneurs like Tyler Moore and Darrel Wilson create websites with WordPress and teach people how to use it as well.

from Wes Davis

Author: Whitney Aidan

Whitney is a Dental technician and freelance problem solver. Bacon enthusiast. Hardcore food specialist. Tv fanatic. Leo

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